Wednesday, July 11, 2007

and it burns burns burns, in the ring of fire

SO much going on here lately:

July1st-7th Theatre Festival with performers from Berlin, Budapest, Poland, Dublin, and california
July 9th Birthday
July 10th end of Summer I
July 11th-14th Rhodes Choir visit
July15th Summer II commedia program starts

Things that occured in the last month or so:
I drunkenly ran into ropes holding up a volley ball net on Martin's last night and recieved a very nice rope burn:arm and leg . . . I won't forget that night

My friends had a fire/commedia/juggling show in Arezzo in this ancient amphitheatre:
Samuel Angus McGehee

I danced with a tarantella group I had trained with for a couple of weeks in said amphitheatre for the arts festival (also one of the most incredible performance/dance/choral experience I've ever had):

we danced on rugs

The live music was incredible, the drums, you can't help but move

Gianni: "The women are like gazels, the men, like lions"

Bitten by the tarantula

Hung out with some crazy Polish kids, always had drums and a sax, and fairy wings, they were like a parade everywhere they went. I had never met so many Arezzo cops until they showed up:
The pols
Giaccamo + Devin

the rose

negative rose

We walked home, and it was cold, and we couldn't find our very drunk friend who ran off into a city in which she did not know the language, she doesn't remember how she got home.

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